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    Carbon emissions decrease by 4.8%


    In 2015, Scentre Group total greenhouse gas emissions totalled 415,375 tonnes, which represents a decrease of 20,924 tonnes (4.8%) in comparison to previous years’ emissions.

    The largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions are indirect emissions (Scope 2), which result from the consumption of purchased electricity. Direct emissions (Scope 1) represented 4% of total greenhouse gas emissions of Scentre Group and other indirect emissions (Scope 3) represented 26%.

    Our electricity consumption is the largest contributor to total greenhouse gas emissions; therefore we spend a great deal of effort to try to reduce our usage.

    Read more energy efficiency at Westfield shopping centres here.

    Total Scentre Group carbon emissions by scope

      Roll over for more information

      GHG emissions by scope and country 2015 and 2014
        2015 2014 % change year on year
      Market Scope 1 (tonnes CO2-e) Scope 2 (tonnes CO2-e) Scope 3 (tonnes CO2-e) Scope 1 (tonnes CO2-e) Scope 2 (tonnes CO2-e) Scope 3 (tonnes CO2-e) Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3
      Australia 17,486 283,590 103,757 19,197 303,750 103,036 (8.9%) (6.6%) 0.7%
      New Zealand 814 4,475 5,254 1,041 4,468 4,807 (21.8%) 0.2% 9.3%
      TOTAL 18,300 288,064 109,010 20,238 308,217 107,843 (9.6%) (6.5%) 1.1%