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    Energy efficiency delivering carbon emission reductions


    Our electricity consumption is the largest contributor to total greenhouse gas emissions; therefore we spend a great deal of effort to try to reduce our usage.

    In 2015, we have continued to save on electricity, reducing our usage by 3.4% which saved 20,153 tonnes greenhouse gas (7%) between 2014 and 2015.

    In Australia, the reduction in electricity consumption is attributable to initiatives such as:

    • IELVS optimisation
    • LED lighting upgrades
    • implementation of set points for air handling units
    • building management system scheduling upgrades

    Belconnen, Woden, Burwood, Penrith, Chatswood, Eastgardens, Chermside, Fountain Gate, Southland, Knox, Marion, & West Lakes are all sites that have achieved over 5% energy savings over the period by implementing these initiatives.

    Energy movements at portfolio level are impacted by the divestment of 4 assets and increase in electricity usage in Miranda and Garden City due to the redevelopment (increase in GLA).

    Direct and indirect emissions (scope 1 & 2) by source 2015 and 2014
       2015 2014
     Type Sum of direct and indirect emissions (tonnes CO2-e) % contribution of Direct and Indirect emissions (Scope 1 & 2) of GHG (tonnes CO2-e) Sum of direct and indirect emissions (tonnes CO2-e) % change year on year
    Purchased electricity 288,064 94.03% 308,217 (7%)
    Natural gas 5,554 1.8% 6,184 (10.2%)
    Non-transport fuel combustion 916 0.3% 750 22%
    Synthetic gases 11,712 3.8% 12,148 (3.6%)
    Transport fuels (controlled vehicles) 119 0.0% 1,155 (89.7%)
    TOTAL 306,364   328,455 (6.7%)